Kens.Co and UNDP Uganda have an agreement in 2022 to implement the project named” Building Resilient Refugee and Host Communities Project” where LED Lantern chargeable hub, streetlight, and PV solar system will be installed at Obongi and Adjumani districts where the refugee camps like (the Olua II settlement, Keguru Refugee settlement) are situated.
One of the outputs expected in the Project is to deploy Sustainable and green livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities in West Nile (Adjumani and Obongi districts) for environmental conservation. For this purpose, Kens. Co.Ltd. (KENS) entered into a low-value performance-based payment agreement with UNDP Uganda on October 21, 2021, to implement a solar-powered electrification project.
The main objective of the solarisation component of the Project is to electrify the important social service infrastructures of the refugee host communities in the districts of Adjumani and Obongi. By supplying solar power generation systems to facilities in areas without grid power networks, the quality of public services at those facilities can be improved.
Furthermore, the component of the project called the “Community-based solar charging hub”, aims to electrify the entire community, and the participation of local residents or SMEs is essential for its smooth operation. Participants will be given the relevant training opportunities and potential for capacity building and commercialization, which could lead to vocational training for youth and MSME support as some of the UNDP Uganda
Upon solar needs assessment by KENS in November 2021, it was concluded that lighting systems are installed at the Out Patient Department (OPD) building and Nutrition Ward of Lewa Health Centre II in Adjumani district along with 5 street lights for the compound. Additionally, lighting systems were recommended for the laboratory and girls’ dormitory at Itura Secondary School in the Obongi district along with 6 street solar lights for the lighting of the compound. Charging hub businesses were also suggested at Olua II refugee settlement in Adjumani district and Keguru refugee settlement in Obongi district, with a solar street lighting system for each settlement.
It is upon that background that Nebat Engineering Experts Ltd Uganda was contracted by KENS for the installation of these proposed solar systems as a way to augment to local content under the project.