LED Lantern Charging System

Kens.Co; Ltd has developed a new LED Lantern charging system which is consisting of lithium-ion batteries with 100 pcs of the LED lantern and very light solar panels as well. This is a very simple installation process where it will be used in school for charging at day time and after school students can bring the LED lantern to their house and use it to study at night. The next morning, students will bring it to the school and charge in the daytime as well. School management can charge a small rent to the students per month or day to cover up their investment costs.

Business Concept with LLCS:

UNDP Uganda Project with UNDP Uganda & Burkina Faso: 

Kens.Co and UNDP Uganda have an agreement in 2022 to implement the project named” Building Resilient Refugee and Host Communities Project” where LED Lantern chargeable hub, streetlight, and PV solar system will be installed at Obongi and Adjumani districts where the refugee camps like (the Olua II settlement, Keguru Refugee settlement) are situated. We have also installed PV systems on the Health clinic and Secondary school as well. One of the outputs expected in the Project is to deploy Sustainable and green livelihood opportunities for refugees and host communities in West Nile (Adjumani and Obongi districts) for environmental conservation. For this purpose, Kens. Co.Ltd. (KENS) entered into a low-value performance-based payment agreement with UNDP Uganda on October 21, 2021, to implement a solar-powered electrification project.

CEG of Borodougou primary school situated at  Bobo dioulasso in Burkina Faso. The CEG of Borodougou is located near N1, less than 1 km. There are now two classrooms open. 1st grade – has 42 students and 2nd grade has 33 students. We installed LED Lantern Kiosk with a perovskite solar panel. It has 100 pcs of LED Lantern. It will be distributed to the students with a certain fee for using study at night. The next morning they will bring back to school for charging during school time. It will generate income for the school organization to run in the future.  It is a kind of pilot project under the UNDP Burkina Faso. UNDP Burkina Faso has an agreement with our sister company GOOD ON ROOFS in 2021 and we installed April 13th, 2022. 

Uganda                                                                        Burkina Faso 

LED lantern Charging system

Description Capacity Qty
Monocrystalline solar 300w 2pcs
Lithium-ion Battery 12.8V50ah 2pcs
LED Lantern 2000mAh 100pcs
Controller BoxFuse, circuit breaker, controller, terminal 1pcs
USB DC cable 10pcs
Steel Frame,
Case for USB hub
1 steel frame for 10 pcs of LED lantern 10pcs
USB Hub 3.0 10 ports 10pcs